Below are some of our courses that we currently have available for you to purchase to customize your learning experience.
Click on the + to see the course description.
Customer Service |
+ Handling Difficult Customers |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: Our perceptions tend to define our reality. Nowhere is this more true then when we are working with difficult customers. See the situation as a confrontation and that's what it becomes. See it as an opportunity to be a problem solver and that's what you become. This course presents techniques for changing our perceptions and as a result, our attitudes and practices toward our customers. The result is a positive outcome for all parties concerned. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Recognize how perceptions affect customer service.
- Identify communication skills that help determine what customers really want.
- Understand how to separate business issues from personal attacks.
Key Topics Include: - No Laughing Matter
- Reality is Perception
- Approach Customers with a Positive Attitude
- Being a Professional Problem Solver
- The Business of Customer Service
- The Change Begins With You
- Helping Others to Change
- Listen Carefully
- Don't Take it Personally
- Be Patient
- Find Out What They Really Want
- Pause Before You Answer
- Handling Different Types of Problems
- Take Ownership
- Follow Up
- The Golden Rule
Financial Management |
+ Understanding a Balance Sheet |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: Organizations are learning that financial training isn't just for the finance department. Educating all employees in financial basics will help them make better business decisions and be smarter with their own personal investments. Designed for the financial novice, this course is an ideal introduction to one of the most common pieces of a financial analysis, the balance sheet. This course includes a sample balance sheet, descriptions of key elements of the balance sheet, key ratios, and more. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Recognize why understanding a balance sheet is important.
- Understand assets, liabilities and equity.
- Identify key ratios in analyzing a balance sheet.
Key Topics Include: - Sample Balance Sheet
- Understanding a Balance Sheet
- Assets
- Liabilities
- Equity
- Balance Sheets
- Balance Sheets - Assets
- Balance Sheets - Liabilities and Equity
- Key Ratio No. 1 - The Current Ratio
- Key Ratio No. 2 - The Quick Ratio
- Using Common Sense to Spot the Red Flags
- Helpful Links
+ Understanding a Cash Flow Statement |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: Cash is king! When employees understand cash flow, it can help them make decisions that will better benefit the company, as well as improve their personal cash management abilities. Designed for the financial novice, this course explains the purpose and key elements of a cash flow statement. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Recognize the importance of a cash flow statement.
- Understand operating, investing and financing cash flow.
- Identify key numbers and terms in analyzing a cash flow statement.
Key Topics Include: - Sample Cash Flow Statement
- Understanding a Cash Flow Statement
- Reading Between the Lines
- Operating Cash Flow
- Accounts Receivable
- Is Money Coming In or Going Out?
- Investing Cash Flow
- Financing Cash Flow
- Analyzing the Statement of Cash Flows
- Helpful Links
+ Understanding an Income Statement |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: Organizations are learning that financial training isn't just for the finance department. Educating all employees in financial basics will help them make better business decisions and be smarter with their own personal investments. Designed for the financial novice, this course is an ideal introduction to one of the most common pieces of a financial analysis, the income statement. This course includes a sample income statement, explanations of the purpose and typical use of an income statement, and key terms and ratios. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Recognize why understanding an income statement is important.
- Identify and explain revenue, expenses and profit.
- Understand key numbers and terms associated with analyzing an income statement.
Key Topics Include: - Sample Income Statement
- The Importance of Understanding an Income Statement
- Revenue
- Determining Your Expenses
- Cost of Goods Sold
- Figuring in Other Costs
- "Show Me the Money"
- Key Terms and Ratios
- Analyzing Income Statements
- Looking for Trends
- Industry Comparisons
- Stay Up to Date
- How Income Statements Affect You
- Helpful Links
Human Resources |
+ Diversity in the Workplace |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: How do you build strong networks within your company and among industry peers? How do you communicate effectively with different types of people in the workplace and get your point across clearly? This series will help you build bridges and improve your business relationships. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Understand the meaning of diversity
- Demonstrate knowledge of practical tools for applying principals of diversity in daily activities.
- Identify opportunities for individual growth by accepting and appreciating diversity in the workplace.
Key Topics Include: - Understanding Diversity
- A Working Definition
- Perception Versus Reality
- Tracing the Roots of Diversity
- A Look Back in History
- "Melting Pot," "Diversity Salad" or "Multicultural Stew"?
- Understanding Our Differences
- Working on Diversity
- Having a Plan
- The Next Step in the Process
- Why is Acceptance Difficult?
- Building on Understanding and Acceptance
- A Key Ingredient
- Valuing the Whole Person
- The Great Lesson of Diversity
- Universal Desires
- Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace
- Benefits of Diversity
- Diversifying the Workplace
- Varying Levels of Awareness
- All Things to All People?
+ Employee Retention |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: While difficult to calculate, the costs of employee turnover are one of the largest expenses faced by any business. Great employees are expensive to recruit, train, and maintain -- so how can you keep them around for a long time? This course provides an overview of traditional and modern retention methods, practical tips for open communication with employees, and top reasons why managers and companies fail to retain employees. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Recognize the importance of employee retention and how it can impact a business.
- Identify low cost employee retention programs and activities.
Key Topics Include: - The Only Constant is Change
- Old-School Retention Methods
- Retention Basics
- The Power of Communication
- It's a Two-Way Street
- Methods of Gathering Information
- Communicating Through Surveys
- Ask Your Employees for Their Opinions
- Share Information Openly - The Good, Bad and Ugly
- Understanding Common Organizational Goals
- Get the Right People in the Right Positions
- Too Much Focus on Compensation Can Harm the Organization
- Equitable Pay
- Creating a Team Versus an Individual Effort
- Show Respect for All Employees
- Appreciate Your Employees
- Holding People Accountable
- Provide Educational Opportunities
- Celebrate Wins Every Day!
- What Do Employees Look for in a Job?
- Why Do Managers Fail to Retain?
- Why Do Companies Fail to Retain?
- The Exit Interview
+ Handling Angry Employees |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: Anger is not something that most of us might think we have to be prepared to deal with in our workplace, and yet more and more frequently, issues come up where conflict is involved. Regardless of the reasons, workplace anger is something that has to be dealt with as soon as the issue arises. Ignoring a problem will only allow it to become worse. In this course, the learner will gain understanding regarding the importance of communication in dealing with employee anger, acquire knowledge regarding productive methods for dealing with employee anger, and finally learn to recognize the behavioral indicators preceding episodes of anger. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Understand the importance of communication in dealing with employee anger.
- Identify productive methods for dealing with employee anger.
- Recognize the behavioral indicators preceding episodes of anger.
Key Topics Include: - Managing Anger
- Be Aware of the Signs
- Communication is the Key
- Perception is Reality
- Communication is Contagious
- When Communication is Poor
- When Anger Erupts
- Resist the Urge for "Fight or Flight"
- Encourage Them to Talk
- Dealing with Feeling First, Then with the Issues
- Actively Listen
- Your Response
- Moving On to the Issues and Problem Solving
- Up on the Feelings
- Employee's Role
- Management
- When Employees Are Angry with Other Employees
- When Anger Can't Be Controlled
+ Recruiting Excellent Employees |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: There is no greater asset to a company than its employees; therefore it is clear that finding the best person for the job is crucial to an organization's success. Formal recruiting practices, as well as an ongoing recruitment mindset, are important for finding the right person at the right time. This course covers common formal recruiting practices, factors that lead to recruiting excellence, and creative recruiting methods and sources. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Understand the importance of having formal recruiting practices.
- Recognize the factors that define recruiting excellence.
- Identify a variety of creative recruiting sources.
Key Topics Include: - The Value of Human Capital
- Recruiting: A Key Factor in Increasing Value
- Thinking Outside the Box
- Your Reputation Precedes You
- A Great Place to Work
- Implementing Recruiting Strategies
- Employees as Recruiters
- Customer Referral Opportunities
- Recruiting Employees from Other Companies
- Maintaining Ethical Recruiting Standards
- Gauging the Legal Risk
- Organizing Referrals
- Advertise and Market Openings
- Recruiting on the Web
- Employment Agencies
- Executive Recruiters
- Other Applicant Resources
- Recruiting Tips
+ Sexual Harassment Training - Harassment Awareness |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: Harassment is not only illegal, it can also create an uncomfortable, threatening and unpleasant environment for all people within an organization, not just those involved in a specific incident. All employees need to understand what harassment is and how it can affect individuals, their co-workers and the organization overall. Only by having a thorough understanding can employees help identify, report and eliminate harassment from the workplace. In this course, the learner will gain knowledge and understanding about what types of behavior can be considered harassment, as well as the remedies that exist for employees who feel like they've been a victim of harassment. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Understand the role perception plays in potential harassment situations.
- Recognize the impact on your organization of not reporting incidents when employees see them.
- Identify individual responsibilities in creating a zero-tolerance sexual harassment environment.
Key Topics Include: - A Harassment-Free Workplace
- The Effects of Harassment
- The Federal Laws
- The First Step: Making Sure a Policy is in Place
- Defining Behavior as Harassment
- Unwelcome Behavior
- The Key is Perception
- Severe or Pervasive Behavior
- Adverse Effect
- "Quid Pro Quo" Sexual Harassment
- Hostile Work Environment
- Sexual Harassment Claims
Management |
+ Business Continuity |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: On any given day your organization could encounter a problem that would impact its overall operation. This could be anything from the loss of an employee to the total destruction of your current building and everything in it! To prepare for this possibility, a business continuity plan is the first step toward ensuring that your business can weather whatever disaster may transpire. In this course, the learner will find out why business continuity planning is essential, learn to recognize the forms in which disasters strike and the categories in which they fit, gain understanding of the importance of organization assets and the recovery time objective for each item and finally, learn to identify the eight categories that should be incorporated into every business continuity plan. Also see Emergency Preparedness. Time: approximately 45 minutes (2 module course) Learning Objectives: - Module 1
- Understand why business continuity planning is essential.
- Recognize the forms in which disasters strike and the categories in which they fit.
- Understand the importance of organization assets and the recovery time objective for each item.
- Identify the eight categories that should be incorporated into every business continuity plan.
- Module 2
- Identify key documents that will need to be written for guidance during emergency situations.
- Understand the importance of planning in preparing for business recovery.
- Recognize the importance of being detailed during the planning process.
Key Topics Include: - Module 1
- Parts of the Business Continuity Plan
- Anticipating Potential Disasters
- Recovery Time Objective
- Plan Development
- The Importance of Communication
- Your Most Important Asset
- Emergency Plans
- Client Service Continuity
- Module 2
- Employee Emergency Contact List
- Customer Contact List
- Document Repository List
- Emergency Plans
- Emergency Procedures
- Aftermath
- Emergency Plan Test Results
+ Disciplinary Action and Procedures |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary:
For any organization to be successful, work rules need to be followed and job performance has to meet acceptable levels. When this does not occur, steps need to be taken that will change behavior or performance to meet the organization's needs.
This course will educate managers on the importance of rules and discipline in the workplace and will help them identify steps in the progressive disciplinary process.
Time: approximately 30 minutes
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the importance of rules and discipline in the workplace.
- Recognize basic work rules common to most organizations.
- Identify the steps in the progressive disciplinary process.
Key Topics Include:
- Who Needs Rules?
- Publicizing Workplace Rules
- Varying Work Rules
- When Employees Don't Comply
- Progressive Disciplinary Action
- Making the Employee Aware
- Providing the Employee an Opportunity to Change
- Giving Management a Documented History
- The First Step-Verbal Warning
- Written Warnings
- The Final Straw
- Termination of Employment
- Job Performance Issues
- Exceptions to the Rules
- The Willingness and the Ability to Change
+ Meeting Management |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: Every day at workplaces across the country, employees huddle in conference rooms to tackle a wide range of issues. What most organizations don't realize is that most meetings are universally perceived by employees to be an unproductive, costly waste of time. This course will help managers understand the fundamentals of meeting management and group development. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Understand the basic fundamentals of meeting management.
- Recognize the role group development plays in effective meetings.
- Analyze and avoid the common problems associated with meetings.
Key Topics Include: - A Way of Life
- Types of Meetings
- Seven Sins of Meetings
- The Stages of Group Development
- Laying Down Some Ground Rules
- Getting More out of Meetings
- Less is More: Avoiding Meetings Like the Plague
- Establish Objectives Beforehand
- Game-Planning Your Meeting
- Doing Your Homework
- Address Action Items
- Your Meeting in Review
- Selecting a Meeting Site
- Understanding Responsibilities
- Time Management
- "A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned"
- Keeping Minutes
- The Notion of the Power Lunch
- Spicing Things Up
- Stopping Them in Their Tracks
+ Performance Management |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: Managing employee performance through an annual review process may be common, but the best managers know that the performance appraisal process is ongoing and requires their attention throughout the year. This course will help your managers understand the importance of performance management, both in annual reviews as well as through an ongoing process. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Understand the importance of performance management and preparing for performance appraisals.
- Realize that performance management is not a single day activity, but an ongoing process.
- Identify the key factors that go into an effective performance appraisal process.
Key Topics Include: - Appraisal Process is Essential
- Performance Management - The Beginning
- Establishing Performance Standards
- Areas of Responsibility
- Meeting Standards
- Expressing Standards
- Performance Measurements
- Coaching for Performance
- Coaching - The Impact
- Key Elements of Coaching
- Great Coaches Plan
- Coaching - The Right Stuff
- Conducting Coaching Sessions
- Coaching Sessions for Positive Performance
- Coaching Sessions for Performance Improvement
- Coaching Sessions for Performance Deficiencies
- Coaching Sessions - Follow-Up
- Performance Appraisal
- What Should an Employee Expect?
- Preparing for the Appraisal
- Conducting the Appraisal Discussion
- The Final Appraisal Document
+ Providing Effective Orientations |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: Your employees are your most important asset! Bringing new employees on board with effective orientation greatly increases the likelihood that they will be productive long-term assets to your organization. You don't get a second chance to make a first impression! Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Recognize the importance of proper employee orientations.
- Identify problems that can arise from a poor orientation process.
- Demonstrate how effective orientations can increase productivity.
Key Topics Include: - Why are Employee Orientations so Important?
- Starting on the Wrong Foot
- Don't Kill Them with Paperwork
- Purpose of Orientation
- First Impression
- Workstation
- Introductions
- Don't Overlook the Little Things
- Learning How Things Work
- Employment Paperwork
- Orientation Videos
- Lunch Provided by the Organization
- Standards and Expectations
- Fill in the Blanks
- Buddy System
- Be Patient
- Orientation Checklist
+ Supervisor Skills 101 |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: Employees are an organization's internal customers, and its most valuable asset. Employee departure statistics show that direct supervisors have a greater effect on turnover than anyone in the organization. This course will help your managers learn effective supervisory communication skills and identify key characteristics of good supervisors. Also see Supervisory Skills 201. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Recognize effective supervisory communication skills.
- Identify key characteristics of good supervisors.
- Understand the skills involved in providing effective supervision.
Key Topics Include: - The Most Valuable Asset
- Key Characteristics of Supervisors
- Passion for People
- Inspire Creativity
- Employee Support
- Great Conflict Resolution Skills
- Excellent Listening Skills
- Strong Communication Skills
- Staff meetings
- One-on-One Meetings
- Daily Supervisory Walkabouts
- Annual/Semi-Annual Reviews
- Planning, Delegating and Following-up
- Excellent Follow-up Skills
- Creating the "Right" Work Atmosphere
+ Supervisor Skills 201 |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: The best supervisors know that effective management takes more than communication and leadership skills. Take your managers to the next level with this perfect partner course to Supervisor Skills 101. This course addresses the skills needed to properly assess employee capabilities and understand their job responsibilities. It also covers how to develop employees, performance improvement techniques, and recognition methods. Also see Supervisory Skills 101. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Understand how to assess employee capabilities.
- Identify employee development needs and ways to improve performance.
- Identify various methods of rewarding and recognizing employees.
Key Topics Include: - Supervisor Skills
- Knowing Your Employees' Capabilities
- Employee Success Factors by Job
- Employee Strengths
- Employee Development Areas
- Praise in Public / Punish in Private
- Develop Your Successor
- Formally Train Your Employees
- Orientation Checklists
- Work Rules
- Job Transition Training
- Scheduling and Measuring Training
- Rewarding Employees
- Inexpensive Rewards
- Compensation Rewards
- Traditional Incentives
- Other Employee Recognition Ideas
- Supervisory Impact
+ Transition from Peer to Supervisor |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: While there are many benefits of moving into a management position, new managers face many stresses, not the least of which is handling changes in relationships with peers. This course will help new managers understand the possible reactions of peers to their new position and set the proper tone in handling the changes in relationships that must occur when one moves into a supervisory role. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Recognize the rewards and obstacles of moving from the position of peer to one of supervisor in the workplace.
- Identify the changes in relationships that are likely to occur as you move from peer to supervisor.
- Understand the reactions your peers may have as you move from peer to supervisor and how to respond to them.
Key Topics Include: - Moving up the Chain of Command
- The Rewards of Career Advancement
- Managing Your Co-workers
- Balancing Different Types of Relationships
- Business as Usual?
- Remaining Empathetic
- Be Fair and Even-Handed
- Offering Praise and Criticism
- Treat Everyone as Equals
- State Your Intentions
- Go One on One
- Empowering Your Employees
- When Challenges Arise
- Setting the Tone
- Consistency in Leadership
- Remaining Patient
- Tough Decisions
Marketing & Sales |
+ Marketing Basics |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: It's important for employees to be fluent in the language of marketing in order to always have the customer in mind. As an introduction for non-marketing professionals or a refresher course for your marketing staff, this course will help your employees have a better understanding of this critical element of business success. This course defines marketing, as well as describing the key elements of successful marketing strategies. Also see Learning to Sell Professionally and Sales and Your Self Image. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Understand the importance of marketing to business success.
- Recognize the pitfalls of not using effective marketing.
- Identify various ways of marketing your products and/or services to your customer.
Key Topics Include: - Definition of Marketing
- Nothing Happens Without Marketing
- Product
- Pricing
- Place
- Promotion
- People
- Performance
- Making the Marketing Decisions
- Devising a Plan and a Timetable
- Clear Targets
- Community Involvement
- Reading/Watching the News
- Public Relations
- Direct Mail
- Advertising
- Internet Links
- Yellow Pages
+ Sales and Your Self-Image |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary:
When you ask experts to list the characteristics of a great salesperson, you will get a number of answers. Hard work, persistence, good communication skills, confidence and a genuine love for people are all traits that are regularly mentioned. One characteristic that should be at the top of the list, however, is a healthy self image. If you don't feel good about yourself, it can be difficult to commit to the hard work and persistence that is necessary to achieve success in a sales career.
In this course, the learner will gain understanding regarding the significance a healthy self-image lends to success in sales, recognize how self-image impacts one's ability to make sales calls and to close sales and finally, identify ways to improve his/her self-image. Also see Marketing Basics and Learning to Sell Professionally.
Time: approximately 30 minutes
Learning Objectives:
Understand the significance of a healthy self-image to success in sales.
Recognize how self-image impacts your ability to make sales calls and to close sales.
Identify ways to improve your self-image.
Key Topics Include:
- Not for the Faint Hearted
- Don't Confuse Self-Love with Conceit
- It's Not Where You Start; It's Where You Finish
- Self-Analysis
- You are Responsible
- You are Capable of Change
- "The Numbers Game" Has Several Meanings
- Long Term Success Versus "Flash in the Pan"
- Who is the Better Salesperson?
- Opportunities for Success
- The Worst Thing You Can Do
- The Best Advice
- Perception is Reality
- Your Internal Vision Affects Your External Vision
- Closing the Sale
Productivity |
+ Goal Setting Skills |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: Begin with the end in mind! Goal setting will help motivate employees because they will understand where they, their department and the organization are headed. This course trains employees to understand the importance of goal setting and how to set them effectively. It also helps them recognize barriers to implementing and achieving goals. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Understand the importance of goal setting and how to set goals effectively.
- Identify the components of SMART goals.
- Recognize barriers to setting, implementing and achieving goals.
Key Topics Include: - The Power of Goals
- Motivation
- Self-Efficacy
- The Effectiveness of Visualization
- SMART Goals Get Results
- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely Goals
- Short-term and Long-term Goals
- Write it Down
- Task Management Tools
- Goal Setting Worksheet
- Assessing Resources
- Reviewing Your Goals
+ Work Environment Flexibility |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: Today's workplace is constantly changing. In order to succeed in this environment, employees must learn to expect and plan for change. This course will help employees recognize the characteristics of a flexible work environment, as well as help them identify methods for managing change personally and in the workplace. See also Personal Professionalism, Time Management Skills, and Writing an Effective E-mail. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Recognize the characteristics, pros and cons of a flexible work environment.
- Identify methods for managing change in the workplace.
- Distinguish the characteristics of flexible work roles, role stress and ways to manage it.
Key Topics Include: - A Changing Workplace
- Managing Resistance
- Change the Situation
- Change Your Response
- Change Your Perceptions
- Remove Yourself from Change
- Strategies for Change
- Change Management Strategy
- Fostering a Flexible Work Environment
- Roles and Role Ambiguity
- Handling Role Ambiguity
- Role Conflict
- Handling Role Conflict
- Role Overload
- Handling Role Overload
- Beneficial or Harmful?
- The Signs of Role Stress
+ Writing an Effective E-Mail |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: E-mail is quickly becoming the most common method of communicating in the workplace, both internally (amongst employees) and externally (with customers). Employees should have the necessary skills so their e-mails are clear, concise, and compliant with e-mail etiquette. This course covers the various components of an e-mail message, techniques for communicating effectively through e-mail, and appropriate styles for different types of e-mail messages. See also Personal Professionalism, Time Management Skills, and Work Environment Flexibility. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Identify the various components of an e-mail message and recognize the correct way to use them.
- Recognize the different techniques and rules for communicating effectively through e-mail.
- Distinguish the appropriate behavior styles for different types of e-mail messages.
Key Topics Include: - How to Write a Subject Line
- Greetings
- Electronic Signatures
- Confidentiality Notice
- Personalize the Language
- Grammar
- Summarize
- Determine Your Audience
- Tone
- Formatting
- Quoting
- Reply to All
- Avoid Pronouns at the Beginning of an E-mail
- How to Address an E-mail properly
- How and When to Send Attachments
- Miscellaneous "Helpful Hints"
- Jargon and Buzz Words
Safety & Environmental |
+ Preventing Accidents in the Workplace |
$20.00 per license |
Course Summary: Accidents happen. However, sometimes such accidents and injuries occur because of poor decision making, a lack of personal responsibility for one's health and well-being, or a lack of proper personal protective equipment. This course will help employees identify ways that they could injure their back, feet, eyes, hands, and hearing on the job. It will also help them identify ways to prevent these personal injuries, including usage of proper protective equipment. See also Back Injuries, Basic First Aid, and Workplace Ergonomics. Time: approximately 30 minutes Learning Objectives: - Identify common ways you can injure your back, feet, eyes, hands and hearing on the job.
- Identify some ways to prevent personal injuries.
- Recognize the importance and proper usage of protective foot, eye, hand and hearing protection.
Key Topics Include: - Back Pain - More Common Than You Think
- Anatomy of the Back - A Grand Design
- A Nagging Type of Injury
- Common Causes of Back Injury
- We're Not Kids Anymore!
- The Power of Proper Lifting
- Proper Lifting Technique
- Putting Things Down
- Most Jobs are "Hands On"
- Injuring Your Hands
- Follow a Good Example
- Match the Glove to the Job
- Targeting the Risk
- Skin Absorption: Different Job, Different Glove
- Hazardous Materials and You
- Repetitive Motion Disorders
- Avoiding Repetitive Motion Disorders
- Injuries to the Eyes
- Protecting Your Eyes
- The Sound of Music
- Types of Hearing Protection
- Putting Your Best Foot Forward
- What is Protective Footwear?
- What are the Hazards?
System Usage |
+ Using Your Online Training |
$20.00 per license |
Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to provide online training for your employees. Now what? To aid in the transition from other training methods, this course is an excellent introduction to the concept and process of online training.
Designed in the same format as other courses in the system, this course explains the “why’s” and “how’s” of using your online university. |